Manuel Antonio area for Scuba diving? Help

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25 - 49
We may go to the Manuel Antonio area for vacation in August. What dive sites and companies would you recommend. What kind of visibility could we expect.

The only dive operator in Manuel Antonio is Oceans Unlimited.

Costa Rica Scuba Diving with Oceans Unlimited Costa Rica

Send them a mail and i am shure they will glad to answere your questions.

If the offer the Trip to Isla del Caño invest the extra money,
it will be the best dive you can do in Costa Rica.

Best regards

Dove with Oceans Unlimited in 2008.............

Great op and team..............

Vis was not the best in February when I was there.........

Hope this helps..........M
August should be sunny and the water wet! Conditions can vary in August from 15 - 40 ft vis depending on rains but trips will be going out and we can guarantee a fun trip!
Just got certified with Oceans Unlimited this past week. Did my Open Water, Advanced Open Water, and Nitrox certification. Great pros, very personable, and great instructors. The full moon meant the viz was not the best, but that made the training all the more useful.

Definitely recommend them.

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