made to order - basic video housings

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Just want to ask if anybody would be interested in buying a home-made basic video housing very similar to the one that "willydiver" build (on this forum). No controls just turn the video camera "ON" lock it inside the housing and go diving. With today's computer video editing technology it is so easy to clean your video afterwords.
I am mechanical-engineer and i work for the company with full machine-shop
( mills,lathes,cnc-mills and more ) my company is capable to make allmost anything.
So if there is anybody that wants to have a basic housing for his camera just let me know and we can make you one. As of now I am working on 2 housings for sony Handycam DCR-PC109 one for myself and the second one for sale. "Willydiver's" camera parts total cost was allmost $300 ----------- i think the one i will make will be for sale for $400 + shipping. Soon i will post some pictures of the housing that it is made right now. Later on i am planing to add controls to the housings. Great forum ----------- keep it up !!!!!!!!

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