Lot's of General Housing Questions

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I have a Canon EOS 10D (digital SLR) and I'm looking to get a housing soon
I have a 28-300mm lens and I'm probably going to get a wide angle lens too like maybe a 15mm or a 15-35mm zoom

I looked around at a few sites and see all these extra accessories they sell for housings and now have a billion questions.
  1. Do all housings come with a lens port? I've seen some that look as if the lens port isn't included
  2. Can I get by with 1 port with the lenses I have or would it be better to have a different size port for each lens? Either way what size port(s) would you recommend?
  3. Do all ports give you the ability to zoom, I saw a part on one site called a zooming ring, I assume that's what it's for, just thought it would be standard
  4. What brand housings would you recommend?
  5. Do the warrantees on the housings also cover the camera in case of flooding, or do I really need that DAN equipment insurance?
  6. Is it possible to get it as a kit with ports, zooming ring, etc.
  7. Is there anything I left out or I'm missing since I don't know much about housings?
    I'm not a pro just a severe photo geek. Sorry for asking so many questions, but I don't trust camera stores. They'll always try to sell you accessories that you don't need, or at least not unless you're a pro photographer.
some have a port included most don't.

if i remember right the eos10d has a mag factor in the lens? about 1.5 to 1. that means your 28-300 is really a 42 - 450, close to useless underwater! anything longer than ~100mm is not a good choice.

i'v had Very good luck with the ikelite brand.
no, the warrentee does not cover flooding.

yes kits are available ( you choose the port they match up the parts)

as "for what port?" it depends on just what you want to do - a flat port for macros and a dome for the rest is a good thing.
So would you recommend I get that wide angle lens.

And just get a dome port for that one (I doubt I'm going to be doing much macro work) atleast not below the surface?

Do the ports come in different lengths too?
yes, ports come in different lenghts to fit a given lens - check ikelite for the port page and you'll see what i mean.

extreme wide angle lenses need to fit the port much closer than a general range zoom. if you shoot any thing under 24mm (35mm equivelent) y'll want want a port built for that lens. a more common range zoom (say 28 -105) can use a longer port.
Why is a zoom useless underwater. Is it because you're such a great distance from your subject when using a zoom, that there isn't enough light?

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