Lost weight, small issue but might be dangerous

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I have a Beuchat Masterlift Evo BCD with integrated weight system.
Usually I dive with left 1 kg, right 1 kg and a weight belt with 2 kg (Thailand tropic, shorty, Aluminium tank)
On my last dive, I checked the integrated weight system (if it is closed, not loose) before going in the water. Before I never checked it, but I got the idea to include it in my check.

I dive with almost-to complete empty bcd. After arround 30 min I got out of buoyancy, but could compensate it by breathing with a near empty lung and with the fins. I lost the left bag from the weight system.
Checked before, I didn't come in thouch with anything or anyone, complete unclear how this might happen.
I could compensate the 1 kg and luckily I found the missing bag.

But think what would happen if it is not tropic, if it is in a cold climate with a lot protection against cold water and everything in the integrated. If you loose 3 kg or 4 kg with some air in the bcd or drysuit and without experience at say 35 meter, you go up 10 meter and than with the expanded air you go up like a cork having a bad accident.

Just I didn't have learned the lesson because what can I do else than checking the integrated???
Get the integrated weights under control - if you can't trust them, time to consider something else.

As you pointed out, this will be a much bigger issue in cold water with lots of exposure protection, but you also need to be able to rely on your integrated weights in warm water.

If they won't hold - use a weight belt.

Get the integrated weights under control - if you can't trust them, time to consider something else.

As you pointed out, this will be a much bigger issue in cold water with lots of exposure protection, but you also need to be able to rely on your integrated weights in warm water.

If they won't hold - use a weight belt.


yes of course, I just don't fully understand what happend. I checked it before and I checked it after and it looked/hold perfect. Maybe it got entangled with the inflator????
It was already my idea before to sepparete the weights, mainly I thought if it is necessary to drop weight I don't need to drop everything.

On my next dive I take 1 kg more on the belt and try if it is possible to to handle the inflator so stupid to open it, or pull a little bit/shake it.....
Maybe I just go back to the weight belt and forget about the integrated one....
How are the integrated weights secured in that type of BC? Is it a positive lock system, or Velcro? Velcro gets old and loses its security with time.

A friend of mine bought an older Oceanic BC with integrated weights, and the system didn't work very well, and he lost his weights repeatedly. It's actually not a minor thing, especially where we dive. Lose ten of the twenty or more pounds you're carrying (one pocket) and you pretty much cannot compensate that with breath.
Difficult to tell in english to tell how it works...
On the bags is a soft rubber (or look like rubber) part. When you close/lock it some kind of "theet" bite (because material is soft) in it and secure it. When you pull on it, it opens.
The BCD is very new maybe 20 dives on it and it looks like out of the shop.
So for sure not an old Velcro issue.
I really really distrust weight integrated and in situations where you need 10kg+ of weight ive yet to see a jacket i'd class as secure enough to be safe.
I really really distrust weight integrated and in situations where you need 10kg+ of weight ive yet to see a jacket i'd class as secure enough to be safe.

I carry 30 lbs in my Zeagle BC - I'm confident the ripcord system is plenty strong enough to hold it.

It is one of the better thought out designs... I don't think I'd be so happy if it was velcro or some sort of plastic locking system.

H20 - maybe load it up again with its max weight load and try to make it fail (out of the water of course) Since you don't know what is causing the problem, maybe this will shed some light on the weak point?

I was wondering the same thing about those weights.

When learning to dive in the Philippines I was paired with a guy that had all the latest gear (brand new). In 12 meters or so I lost my buddy an "thought this is quite odd".

He was circling around on the suface repeatedly pointing downwards. I was beginning to wonder if he saw a shark or something and freaked but then the bright yellow covering of the weight on the bottom caught my eye.

I got it and went up a bit too fast and asked him what that was all about. He said that it fell out of his pocket. He then replaced it and we went down again. That always made an impression on me. I just don't trust those things.

What would you do if you were deep and that happened? (Serious question.)
1 or 2 kg you might be able to balance out when you fast enough with a head down slow ascent padeling with the fins down. But if it is more weight you rocket to the surface....
I usually have a weight belt and the pockets so I loose just 25 % of my weights.

I got told from Beuchat that there is a kind of lock on the new one, but I don't know how it looks exactly. They told me it is possible to exchange my locks.
The strange thing was that I double checked it on the surface and it was very safe, so maybe the inflator or the octopus hose opened it?????

Not really a funny issue....

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