Looking for Zeagle authorized service in Sacramento, Ca area

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Hello - I actually live in Elk Grove which is just South of Sacramento by about 20 miles or so - but I am looking for a scuba store who is authorized to service Zeagle gear? I have the Ranger BC with your flathead reg and secondary air combo.

I was going to check Dolphin which is close enough but wanted to ask since I don't see much of your gear there last time I visited. I need my annual checkup for bc and regs before I dive again. Its been about a year, but I would like to be sure never the less :)

Visually - everything looks fine but you know the drill.

Any thoughts? Thanks.
Per the Zeagle website, the closest appears to be:

United States
Phone: 707-448-3483

I know that's not very close. Why not try ScubaToys? They're a HUGE Zeagle dealer and offer mail-order annual servicing on Zeagle products. I've never heard a bad word about their service dept. With gas prices, it'd likely be cheaper to pay for the shipping then make two roundtrips to Vacaville from Elk Grove.
I didn't know about the dive shop in Vacaville - but as you said it is a way out of my way. But thank you for the dive shop info. Next time I am heading that way I will stop by and check them out. So it is still good info.

Scuba toys is where I bought everything. I know they can do it fine, but I did not want to have to ship everything, etc. From what Scott said it sounds like Dolphin can take care of me. I will give them a call tomorrow.

Thanks again. I apprecaite the information. As I said - I give everything a visual inspection but I know there is more than that. I'm still somewhat new to the whole diving thing with my advance open water cert last June.

Have a good day.

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