Looking for PHOTOS - building a website.

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Hey all - my wife had suggested that we make a website related to scuba, to help us write off part of our vacations.

So, without telling anyone what I am looking to do - I have bought a couple of domain names, and now I am out checking to see if anyone would like to contribute one of their photos to be incorporated into the site design.

I am particularly interested in colorful pictures, ie. clown fish, etc. that are clean (preferably minimal imperfections like back scatter).

If you are interested in submitting your picture, let me know. KEEP IN MIND that I will alter the picture! - I will crop it - reshape it, and I might brighten it or increase/decrease contrast. The website design will incorporate the focal point of the picture, but the picture will be altered as I see fit.

If you are interested - maybe you could post your pictures here (I would prefer for you to not post your whole 256 MB worth of pics - but pick a couple of your 'best')

There will be no compensation provided, so do not post if you are interested in being compensated in any way.

So ... let's see um!

So you want free photos for an unknown 'scuba site' that will be a tax write off for you, where you will alter those photos to your hearts desire, and you expect us to open our albums and give you our best?

I don't think so.

You need to go to Google and do a search for free stock marine photos and take your pick.
Woohoo! Thanks Dee!.

I was figuring that I would get some "Who the hell do you think you are?!?"

Well, here is the deal - some people actually like to see that their work went toward something. I currently run over 30 websites. From major public and private global companies - down to my own personal non-profit producing 'tax write-off' websites.

I run sports websites, people write for me - get this - FOR FREE! That's right! Free. :D In fact I get a new application every week for another person who wants to write for me - and are excited to work for free.

Why the hell would someone want to do that? Work for free? Well, maybe it is because my site has provided exposure. My old 'free' content providers are now salaried employees at FoxSports and ESPN. I am contacted all the time by the 'major' sports sites requesting references - or inquiring about my writers.

I have sites for educators that have been published in major teacher magazines, national newspapers (USA Today, Chicago Tribune).

I could go on, but I think you might be getting the point. Many people would like the exposure for their work. Sometimes people like the recognition.

I could very easily jump on google and find royalty free photos - but I have seen some of the photos on this board, and felt that some people might want to contribute their work.

Also, if I do not get banned from this board for asking such a horribly exploitive question, I may come back and see if there are any people who have writing ambitions.:D
The intentions of this post are not to get fights/arguments started. I would much rather build good relationships with good people who have similar interests as myself.

On that note, I would like to point out that the site will be touted as an online magazine. Providing articles, buying tips, etc. I am not planning on making any sort of online store or anything like that. It will be more of an free online informational resource for scuba divers. It's focus will be toward budget-minded scuba diving excursions and gear, although it will also have more broad-focused information as well. In addition to articles I will encourage reports and reviews.

I hope this helps clarify the scope to those who would be tenative to providing their work.


Addict once bubbled...
Woohoo! Thanks Dee!.

I was figuring that I would get some "Who the hell do you think you are?!?"
I'm not saying you won't still get some of that! :)

Also, if I do not get banned from this board for asking such a horribly exploitive question, I may come back and see if there are any people who have writing ambitions.:D

There's no reason for banning. Believe it or not, we seldom ban someone from Scuba Board, but we will remove blatant advertising. You are responding to an inquiry and I appreciate the clarification. You don't sound like such a putz just wanting free pictures! :wink:

Good luck in your search.
You don't sound like such a putz just wanting free pictures!

Hehe - in all actuality, my wife is gonna want to see her pictures on the site - so I plan to have the design change every now-and-then, to provide a better visual experience.

I just kinda figured some people might want to get in on the 'rotation':D

As a matter of fact, this board has some of the most well-traveled and most knowledgable scuba divers all in one place! Every time I come with a question - my questions are answered with a massive amount of info. For this I am grateful.:)

By the way, I do not try to portray myself as an expert in scuba diving (because I am probably the most novice person on this board), but I am an expert website programmer. When you can get people with different areas of expertise together - sometimes beautiful things can happen :1st:
Have you considered stipulating that the authors of the submitted photos will be able to refuse the use of their work if they're not happy with the final edit before you post it on your website? If you're offering people exposure in return for submitting photos, I think that they will want to be assured that the work that is being shown preserves whatever it was that they felt made it special and "theirs" in the first place. Minor edits, resizing, etc. may be fine, but a major change may be undesirable for some.

notabob - that is a good point. I had intentions of actually contacting the people who are interested, so they could see what I did to their pictures before going live - and I think that is a reasonable expectation.
addict not to inflame this anymore then it is already, but what are the major sites that you work on (since your specifically mentioned 57, post a list on this thread if you could)

also as for using others photos i hope that you get a signed release for use of the photos because if you take them i know a few photographers who would come back after you. also if you do get the rights to use someone photos you better ask for permission to alter it.

but to save your self some major trouble go to a major stock photography house like corbis and get your photos there
also as for using others photos i hope that you get a signed release for use of the photos because if you take them i know a few photographers who would come back after you. also if you do get the rights to use someone photos you better ask for permission to alter it.

Scubatooth - you make a good point. It might not be worth soliciting photos - as the liability for me using them could really be high.

I might just back off - I'll just use some of my own work.

As far as sites - I mentioned 30... Here are a few...


That is a few. :D

Thanks anyway all! I hope we can still be friends :)

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