Copied and pasted from HEPCA's news letter
HEPCA is looking for individuals and groups to join the first ever dolphin research expedition in the Red Sea. The series of four expeditions this summer is part of the Red Sea Dolphin Project, the first research plan completely dedicated to the study of the dolphins of the Red Sea, and documenting their abundance, distribution and ecology.
A limited number of places are available and those fortunate enough to take part will be part of a unique interactive and scientific based experience observing and studying the dolphins aboard the new dedicated HEPCA long-term research platform: the Red Sea Defender vessel.
Participants will be involved in many different activities including close observation of dolphins in the open sea and inside reefs, data collection about marine organisms such as corals, molluscs, echinoderms, fish, turtles and dugongs, and searching of dolphin feeding grounds at night using our dedicated towed hydrophone. Each expedition offers the unique chance to work in close contact with HEPCAs international research team, learn about marine ecosystems and marine life, as well as acquire specific skills in research methodologies and dive practices.
Places are available on a first come first served basis on the following dates:
Team 1: 06 16 June
Team 2: 17 27 June
Team 3: 01 11 August
Team 4: 12 22 August.
Places start from as little as 1,500 Euro pp.
Contact us now to join the researchers aboard the Red Sea Defender vessel for 10 unforgettable days! This is a rare and extraordinary experience where HEPCA staff engage you in exciting team work allowing you to share their passion and knowledge in bringing awareness to the Red Sea by promoting sustainable tourism development for the region.
For more information please contact:
Marina Costa
HEPCA Senior Marine Biologist
Tel: +2 065 344 50 35/ 065 3447728
HEPCA: Hurghada Environmental Protection and Conservation Association - Caring for the Red Sea