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Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
# of dives
50 - 99
A little bird told me that there is a new Divemaster at Tranquility Bay Resort. Does anyone know who it is? I was expecting to Dive with Joe again. I'm heading there in a few weeks for more of the great diving that I've experienced in the past on the northern part of the island.

Also I'm open to any suggestions of where to go. So far I've been to Basil Jones, Punta Azul, and Palmero Canyons. They were all great.
I figure this is a little late, as I'm sure you have already come and gone. Since your trip we have hired a new Dive Master, his name is Roy. He's really good, we've dove with him ourselves and he knows what he is doing! If you really want to dive with Joe we can always arrange that! By the way My wife and I are the new managers and I'm from Edmonton! The managers that were probably in place for your trip are no longer at Tranquility Bay Resort.


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