Looking for diving buddy

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Reaction score
Boston, MA
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi there everyone,

I just moved in as you might have guessed and now I'm looking for a dive buddy. My gear should be here in a week or so. I will have everything here but tank and most of my lead. I'm not sure if she packed my lead. But anyways if anyone is interested in meeting a new diver or needs a buddy let me know. I have certs of the following: AOW, Nitrox, Dry Suit, and started training for Master diver.

Hey Mike, where are you calling home now? My wife and I heading out that way in about a month or so, so once our gear makes it in, we may be interested in meeting up. Both AOW.

I'm in the Edam are of Nethelands. However I will be moving to the Amsterdam area within the next month time frame. What brings you out this way? Are you going to have a auto here? Sorry everyone calls it an auto and not car. I'm starting to pick up the words. Uggg
I'm heading out to Germany - Kaiserslautern area. I'm a US Govt employee so I'm being moved out to enjoy the area for a while.

Yes, I'll have a vehicle, but I figure I'll need to fly to most of the good dive spots.

What brought you out that way?
I'm in the Edam are of Nethelands. However I will be moving to the Amsterdam area within the next month time frame. What brings you out this way? Are you going to have a auto here? Sorry everyone calls it an auto and not car. I'm starting to pick up the words. Uggg
Got your gear yet? :)

Hey Mike, where are you calling home now? My wife and I heading out that way in about a month or so, so once our gear makes it in, we may be interested in meeting up. Both AOW.
The more, the merrier...
YES! My gear came in today. I'm going through everything to test it but don't have any tanks. Are you up for diving?

I was working as an intern for a company for 2 years while going to school in the states. Before I graduated they offered me a job out here for a bit to learn about their other parts of the company around the world.

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