Looking for Dive Partner St. Thomas March 22 2017

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Reaction score
St. Thomas
# of dives
25 - 49
The wife and I are taking a cruise on royal Caribbean Oasis of the Seas and wanted to dive while we were in St. Thomas. The ship arrives on the 22nd and looking for a dive partner! Wanting to do a two tank dive and need to complete before 5:00pm. If interested, shoot me an email!

I second that^ or Admiralty Divers.

BID is very convenient - walk to the shore end of the Havensight (cruise dock) and turn the corner. Wave at their boat - they'll come in and pick you up (they can't stay tied up) There's a map/instructions on their website. Cruise Ship Divers

None of the dives are very far so you'll likely be back for lunch. Dive site map: Blue Island Divers Dive SItes

Admiralty will pick you up by van at the port. Admiralty Dive Center - Scuba Diving St. Thomas US Virgin Islands

Either is going to put a DM in the water. Neither has a very big boat so overcrowding is not an issue. Mention your desire for a buddy when you book.

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