Looking for cheapest nitrox enabled computer for backup

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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Can someone please reccomend a cheap nitrox enabled and non-nitrox computer for a backup? It doesn't have to be fancy. Do not want an air-integrated one.


I guess that makes sense in theory, but in all reality, the odds of using your backup are extrememly low. So you want something thats functional and will keep you safe, but I don't think it has to be exact.

If you think about it, its the same thing with a lot of people that have an octopus that they wouldn't use as a primary. They just want something to keep them safe in the event something does go wrong.

I haven't had a chance to dive with one yet, but my favorite LDS has a lot of nice things to say about the Dive-Rite EANx computer. And if I remember the price correctly, it is very competitive to the other brands/models in it's "class".
Originally posted by dvleemin
I guess that makes sense in theory, but in all reality, the odds of using your backup are extrememly low. So you want something thats functional and will keep you safe, but I don't think it has to be exact.

True statements. My wife and I have one backup between us, but it needs to have the same algorithm so if a primary fails, we still get the same bottom times on subsequent dives.

If a person uses a Cobra because they have a real or perceived need for conservatism, it stands to reason that they would want the same conservatism in their back up. Especially if your primary computer fails on the first day of a liveaboard like Seangel's did recently.

Genesis (Resource and React) Nitrox computers are selling for a little over $200 (I want to say $239, but I can't recall for sure)
From a computer engineering standpoint (one of the few areas I'm really qualified to render an opinion in :wink: ) using a different model computer with a different codebase (if not necessarily a different bubble model) is actually a good idea. The reasoning behind this is that if it is a software bug that causes the failure, having two similarly programmed computer receive near-similar input would increase the chances of a dual failure. Likewise with hardware failure, if the failure is caused by a design flaw and not accident.

So, if a backup computer is a large concern for you (I would personally switch to tables), it might be better to get a highly conservative backup comp of a different brand than your primary. Unless you're pushing your NDL, the sole ill effect would be a reduction in bottom time, rather than a lockout on the more conservative computer.

As an aside, I keep seeing "AI computer" and start thinking how cool a computer would be that would say "I'm sorry Dave, you can't do that" when you tried to push its limits :wink:


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