Liquid Skin mask problems

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Cayman Islands
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0 - 24
Hey guys-this is my first post-so nice to meet you all!

Just a quick question - went for my second dive yesterday, with my new mask-a Liquid Skin. My boyfriend and I both purchased the same mask-his didn't flood once, yet I literally had to clear mine every 30 seconds. I did read a post that I may have had it too tight - although am a little bit wary of trying to wear it looser-namely because I haven't had a dive without mask problems in my short diving life thus far (worried that I may have a strangely shaped face/head!)! Also not too sure about what will happen when I take it back-it could take ages to rectify out here, and I can't afford to spend another $80 on a mask!
What shall I do??!!
My wife had the same problem with the same mask. However, after she asked a similar question she received the same answer, the mask was too tight.

So, long story short and a few new masks later, she loosened the straps and her mask leaks have stopped. I never realized this condition for myself but after checking my mask (that has never leaked) strap, I found it quite loose.

The water pressure will hold the mask very securely underwater, so don’t worry, loosen the strap a little and try it, then a little more. It only needs to be tight enough to hold it on your face.

BTW, Welcome to ScubaBoard!
Hi Kaymarie, and welcome to SB.
A leaking mask really can be a nuisance.
A question: When you bought the mask, did you try it on using "the inhale test"? That is, with a mouthpiece-(reg. or snorkel) in place, put the mask on without the strap around your head. If you inhale, and the masks stays in place-it probably fits your face, and should be okay underwater. If you didn'yt do that, you may want to try it- before your next dive, in addition to loosening up the strap a bit on your next dive-or try it in the tub/pool/etc.
Another thought-if you were smiling so much about diving, :) it may have caused a change in the contours of your face, and then the leaks. That has happened to me.

Good luck, I hope that it all works out.
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I don't like a tight mask. In fact, I blow enough air into the mask to nearly lift it off my face. Just short of purging.

If the mask feels like it is floating, it's just about right.

Don't worry about having to clear the mask. It's no big deal even if it shouldn't be happening. It's just a minor annoyance. Don't allow it to become a distraction.

My regulator breathes wet. It always has, it always will. No, I'm not going to change regulators. I have captured the world's market in Omega II regulators. I LIKE THEM. I just tip my head and blow the water out from time to time. But I don't obsess about it. I don't even think about it. It's kind of a Zen thing.

i had a similar problem with my liquidskin mask, but mine boiled down to my hood was too tight. i was getting jaw fatigue from this hood so when i got money together i was planning on buying a new one, i even streched the hood over a basketball for weeks, but the real problem started when i bought my liquidskin mask, for some reason, my old mask didnt leak with the hood, but the liquidskin did, i since then bought a new hood which fits and the mask dont leak. i guess the hood was deforming my face and wouldnt let the mask seal properly.
The problem with my Liquid Skin leaking was the mask. The seal at the glass was no good and it filled constantly. I switched to my backup and sent it back when I returned home.

I now have a regular Liquid Skin and a Mid and neither leak throughout the entire dive.

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