Today, I went to my sister's house to pick up my two-man kayak where it was stored. Since my Ford Ranger XLT has a cap, but no roof rack, I carry my surfboard and my kayak in soft rack systems. I totally forgot about the singing noise that straps can make and I forgot to take measures to reduce the annoying buzzing sound. Driving toward my house, I was reminded by the obnoxious cacophony of new straps buzzing in the breeze.
As I passed my aunt's farm where my father and I often bow hunted deer, I thought of bow string silencers. Then, it hit me! I pulled over and notched 4 Halcyon line arrows from my wet notes onto the straps. They were as quiet as a church mouse the rest of the drive!
Since I'm transporting it 50 miles down river. I think those arrows just saved my sanity and my car trip.
As I passed my aunt's farm where my father and I often bow hunted deer, I thought of bow string silencers. Then, it hit me! I pulled over and notched 4 Halcyon line arrows from my wet notes onto the straps. They were as quiet as a church mouse the rest of the drive!
Since I'm transporting it 50 miles down river. I think those arrows just saved my sanity and my car trip.