light cannon attached to housing?

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I know of several photogs who use the HID Light Canon as a secondary light but it's not mounted on an arm or otherwise attached to the camera/housing. Using a spotting light or something similar, once the 'target' is spotted they turn on the Light Canon to get that blue/white illumination to take the picture. If you leave those lights on all the time, they're so bright you'll never see the nocturnal fish and creatures! Ever been on a night dive with some moron with super bright lights big enough to light the airport landing strip and you didn't see anything but stationary coral the whole dive? Well DUH!
Well I've seen divers with Video equipment with over 100watts of HID power and LOTS of fish and other nocturnals including sharks.

Ever wonder how they film for Discovery channel or IMAX???

LOTS of light and Really GOOD cameras... just ask Howard Hall...

Doesn't seem to be a problem :wink:
you can mount a light cannon to your camera system. ultralight makes the mount that replaces the handle on the light and it will match up to what ever arms you are using. i have a sea and sea motor marine11 and looked into it. i ended up buying a canister light instead. the bulbs for the light cannon are just to sensitive. and now i have a light for tech also.
I don't have the million dollar budget the Halls do to spend weeks taking pictures and video over and over until it's 'right'. You can take my place and dive with them or anyone with bright lights.

I'll stay in the dark.
I don't dive with Howard... just Surf.

Anyhow.... what having a budget has to do with being completely WRONG about not seeing anything but "stationary coral" when us "MORONS" use an ungodly bright "10watt" bulb I sure don't know.

I do know that a lot of people see a lot of fish using LightCannons

But DUHH... you knew that... :wanna:
I thought I was going to be one of those morons.... :tease: 0r I just bought a 160 dollar paper weight? With a spare bulb no less...

I guess it wasn't dee with the light cannon huh?


Thanks for the link scuba! I am ordering the part, not sure where I heard about doing it? I'll have to look back.

Thank you too whezzy, feel much better.... still a moron, ;-0 but, feel better about it.

kwickert once bubbled...
...I guess it wasn't dee with the light cannon huh?

You got that right! I like dim lights and natural activity. And FWIW, I didn't call you, Weezy, or anyone else in partuclar a moron. Just a generalization but if you guys want to lay claim to the description, go ahead! :wink:

If you want to stir up trouble and start arguments, please take it back to one of the forums where they appreciate it.
a question...

"One of my dive partners uses a pair of HID light cannons on his camera - they have a mounting system on the camera where he just slides the lights onto the mount and tightens down a wing nut. If he's not using his camera he just slides a handle onto the light."

By omicron... on light forum...

DEE... your attitude sucks... go dive or something... as a regulator you should be able to "drop it"

Your the one laying claims and generalizations. A thin line from prejudice.

More "natural" life than most of us will ever see using "lots of light"

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