liability when selling service kits

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Fort Lee, NJ
# of dives
200 - 499
recently i have found a new source for apeks kits and have been thinking about e-baying some. the problem is i do not want to pay $50 billion to a widow and her children because someone did not know how to use them correctly. can i protect myself effectively with a simple disclaimer? what would the wording be? i don't know a lawyer and paying someone $350 an hour to get the answer would mean i'd have to sell a lot of kits just to recover the cost of the advice. if it's too risky i'll just drop the idea.
In general, disclaimers don't protect you from negligent acts (not saying that selling kits is negligent) and you would always be subject to the feeling of a jury anyway. I do see a lot of pawn shops selling old unserviced gear accompianied by disclaimers. Your best bet is to remain as anonymous as possible and/or create some type of structure whereby you are uncollectible in the event of a law suit. Nothing stops a lawyer quicker than a plantiff without assets.
Not trying to hijack a thread.. but, if anyone ever comes across a place for Scubapro rebuild kits, please let me know.

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