Former FLL Now MSP Diver
I just received a email from Leisure Pro with the attached text, along with a number of signaling devices that are on sale. At least someone will make money off the movie, the producers sure won't.
"In the new movie "Open Water", scuba divers are separated from their boat and lost at sea amid circling sharks. Although proper boat diving safety procedures will avoid the situation in which the "Open Water" actors find themselves, safety devices should also be worn. The movie provides visual evidence of why signal devices play an important role in protecting today's well-equipped diver.
The movie is thrilling and chilling, yet It's quite possible that if safety devices were used by the divers that "Open Water" is based on, there might not even have been a movie.
To promote and encourage diver safety, we at Leisurepro have compiled for you our customer, a list of selected signaling devices that are proven to work even under extreme emergency situations."

"In the new movie "Open Water", scuba divers are separated from their boat and lost at sea amid circling sharks. Although proper boat diving safety procedures will avoid the situation in which the "Open Water" actors find themselves, safety devices should also be worn. The movie provides visual evidence of why signal devices play an important role in protecting today's well-equipped diver.
The movie is thrilling and chilling, yet It's quite possible that if safety devices were used by the divers that "Open Water" is based on, there might not even have been a movie.
To promote and encourage diver safety, we at Leisurepro have compiled for you our customer, a list of selected signaling devices that are proven to work even under extreme emergency situations."