late, but better than never Trip Report

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
N.E.TX, piney woods
Sept.26-Oct.06, 15 dives, one storm, near miss Hurricane Lili.

Hotel Plaza Las Glorias.... don't expect a good bed, hard as the floor and almost as wet as the chiller is spotty. Resturant is decent and shore diving is good.

Sept. 26, picked up a couple $6.00 tanks (72s) at the in-house shop, Aqua-Safari, Bren's first clear blue dive. Was told the current was out of the south (as usual). Bouyancy good, headed south kickin' into a light current. Lots of fish, Bren was amazed and having a blast, made the turn and the current did too! Kicked, clawed, dragging Brenda back to the exit point.... needless to say, SAC was BAD! 21ft./43min.

Sept. 27, Rented a VW thing, no windows, well a front glass, but no wipers either, was green and had a John Deere Sticker on the door...hehe cooL. It's a light rain and I had to make the eek eek sound as I wiped the windsheild, headed to Chankanaab park for another shore dive. It's a nice park, but a good hike to the scuba shops area. Neat dive with statues and swim thrus, another first for Bren... she did good. 23ft./59min.

Sept. 28, Found my friends at Studio Blue last night and Ivan picked us up in front of the Hotel, headed to the Marina..."Ola, Rapheal(DM) and Leo!" Brenda's a bit timid about a back roll, did fine, it's the real thing! Santa Rosa Wall, Lt./Med. current, "hey, she's says....look I'm at 78'!" Not many close up photos, being a good buddy and all. 74ft/46min.
Nice SI and a bit of snorkelin', Leo scrubbed the boat bottom. Second dive was Yucab, Med./Strong current had us "flying" at times. Big group of huge grey angels, and all the usual.....Bren's comfy now. 56ft./48min.

Sept. 29, Ivan is DM today, weather's nice, ptly cldy and fairly flat. Brenda rolls out like a salt, we're at San Francisco, med. current, but beware of the Ninja diver. Ivan points something out and he's got to be there to see, reguardless of who's in front....Good thing Bren doesn't have a knife....not allowed, ya' know. Her bouyancy is great, she's hooked! 71ft/44min. Nice SI, Leo happened to drop a couple chips in the water in front of my camera, so many sgt. majors I couldn't focus! Did Chankanaab for the second, light current and dang batteries ran down....go figure. 50ft./60min.

Sept. 30, lost my CC....Dee's already sent me my STUPID sign, worked getting it cancelled and some mo money.

Oct. 01, went to the marina, but the port was closed ;-0
is Art's and Janice's anniversary, nice meal at Casa Denis and a nice late afternoon shore dive with Art. Had 72s, (didn't know they had 80s available) good photo shoot, Art finding stuff and I was shootin'. Neat cannons (3) and big a** anchor. 23ft./85min.

Oct. 02, Rapheal DM and we head out to Balones Chakanaab, Isadore was tough on the reef here, and yesterdays storm had the viz. down a notch or two. Big Down current and we had to kick to get up and over a bit. Huge groupers and cudas. 95ft./41min. SI and discussed finding some seahorses.... Paradise, bout' mid ways....found 5 of em' easy drift dive and lots of good photo ops. 45ft./60min.
Night shore dive with Art and camera in front of Plaza Las Glorias. Octopus galor,(or is it gallor?) porcupine, rays, eels, lobsters, many sleeping fish.....strange how they lose their color while resting. Got 80s this time.... 22ft./120min.

Oct. 03, Boat load of folks, well actually 4 divers, 2 snorklers, an instructor and student. Was the most fun day of the trip. Spent some time snorkelin' while the inst./student did a short check out dive. Loaded up and headed to San Francisco....bad decision...rippin' current and viz. was down. Once again, check the depth gauge and motion to my bestus buddy to climb a bit. She was doing the superman impression as we flew along. Saw and photo'd the biggest lobster I've seen in my life! 98ft./49min.
SI brought the last checkout dive for Jim the new diver and the Brockelbanks from England got in another snorkel tour, along with 3 of us. Did Paradise towards the south end and it was Great! Typical Coz viz and very light current for some more good photos and fun....(verbatum outta the log book) 44ft./52min.
Another night dive, Bren went along but got tired (wearing just her long bottoms and feet were floatin') so Art and I finished the dive. 17ft./81min

Oct. 04, Happy aniversary Bren! it's a long boat ride with Ivan DMing out to Palancar Gardens... The swim thrus were magnificant! Bren's a caver...LOL...I was proud! Good photos, she had a slight leak on the tank valve, almost (and I say ALMOST) used as much air as me. :wink: 76ft/49min.
SI and it's my favorite shallow dive spot, Tormentos, although the current was a bit heavy, it was still great viz and as always an abundance of colors/fish. 59ft./48min.

We laid off sat. and lounged and snorkeled. Sorry for the length of this. I'm posting the pictures on, if you wanna check some out.... still learning every outing!

tony and Brenda
Sure wish I'd been there with ya!
I'm glad you had a good time. Thanks for sharing your report.

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