Las Vegas

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Good evening,
I will be in Las Vegas on business from January 27th - February 2nd and have been scouring the "threads of the past" regarding Lake Mead and various Vegas operations.

Thus far my search hasn't turned up anything too promising. There were some references to various shops that dive Lake Mead and after further investigation found that one is no longer doing charters, another is booked for the week for a group function and several others which I have received no reply thus far.

Can anyone recommend a shop or operation that runs charters on Lake Mead? If not, anyone interested in doing some diving with someone from the midwest?

While I'm on the subject I might as well toss this out. I will be in Orlando for 8 days in February and have been talking with Sea Dog Diver out of Daytona, does anyone have any comments about them? The good,the bad, the ugly?

The end of February, I'll be in Atlanta and thus am in the same situation as Vegas. Everyone I talk to regarding Atlanta doesn't have any ideas on where to go to get wet. Any suggestions for diving in or around the Atlanta area. I will have a rental car so I'm not oppossed to driving a couple hours if necessary.

Thank you in advance for any input / suggestions you may have...

Best Regards
Hi Don

My wife and I have been to Vegas twice this year. Each trip out we dived on Lake Mead with International SCUBA Center (702-566-9898) in Henderson, NV. We both recommend Jeffrey and his group to everyone we know. They have 2 boats on Lake Mead, 1 six-pack and 1 large vessel.

The first trip in May we dived on the ‘batch plant’. This was a concrete water storage tank and associated stuff left on the bottom from the dam construction. You can see it in all of its glory (if you know what your looking for) on the History Channel’s Hoover Dam specials. I think the max on this dive was 85’. Lots of rock structure, debris and fish to see. The second dive of the day was on the ‘Tortuga’. This was a channel that had 4 sunkin pleasure boats, one of which was named…the Tortuga, all within a healthy swim (bring your compass). Our Divemaster was able to lead us to all 4 plus a marine inboard engine that no one knew about. Again, lots of small wreckage to explore and fish to watch.

The second trip in November, we dived the ‘houseboat’. A wrecked……houseboat. I was able to penetrate the wreck and it had lots to see. After twice around and once through we ventured out. On the port side of the boat is a ledge, about 3 feet high. We followed this ledge out about 100’. At this point the bottom drops off and out of sight. Impressive for a warm, fresh water lake.

The second dive of the day was scrapped as it was getting late and our non-diving party wanted to see the dam from the lake side. If only I hadn’t spent so much time trying on drysuits – they were having a sale.

The shop is about a 20-minute drive from the Strip and the lake another 20 minutes from the shop. Lunch was provided on both trips. We both wore 7mil full suits. Overkill for me, just right for my easily chilled wife.

Dive safe
$5 on black, you got it! Least I can do for the time and information you provided me with. When I get back, I'll let you know how we did.

Thanks for the reply. Earlier today I spoke with Dave from International SCUBA Center and we are trying to line something up for a number of dives over three days. Sounds like he has divers dive above the dam. He mentioned that they are working on something below the dam to offer, what sounds like, some pretty interesting drift diving.

Many of the items you mentioned you dove were what Dave mentioned to me. I'm just happy there are some options to dive out there.

Best Regards
It’s funny, visitors to Vegas are not familiar with the lake. Schlepping our gear through the casino to the transportation someone would inevitable ask “ Where are you diving around here?”

It’s great diving and I’m sure you will like it. Please post a report on your return.
I am headed out to Vegas on the 3rd. It's a fast business trip for the World of Concrete. Got to see if I can slip a dive in on Tuesday. Thanks for the contact info.

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