Lake Atitlan

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New York City
# of dives
25 - 49
Hello, i'm planning a trip to Guatemala and just found out that i can dive in Lake Atitlan. I found a dive school that can arrange it for me and i really want to do it because i can log my first altitude dive :dork2: but i need more information from unbiased sources.

Thank you.
I've heard on several forums that the visibility is poor and there's not much to see anyway. I decided my time there was better spent topside - a fascinating, beautiful place.
I missed this post first time around, hope it is not to late to post my thoughts for you.

Vis probably would depend on the season, rainy or dry, but the water was fairly clear when I was there during the fall a few years ago. Mostly I just remember it was cold, first and last time wearing a 7 mil 2 piece wetsuit. It was interesting for the experience, although perhaps not really exciting compared to diving a warm water reef. I would do it again...A few fish and cool to see the underwater lava formations. Let us know how it went.

I agree with hopeful, the area around lago atitlan is a special place. buen viaje!

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