Kyushu boat owner

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Greetings to all,

I am an American small craft owner fully registered,legal, etc. in Southern Kyushu. I am only mildly interested in diving [PADI 1988] and mostly fish/explore. I am a rare sight down here on the water and I have been approached by divers recently about taking them out. I am CPR qualified and have a full marine first aid kit, charts, always file a float plan with immidiate action precautions in place in case of mishap in my location.
Insurance is easy to obtain, but...........the fishing coops down here tolerate me out by myself but that would surely change if I did any dive trips. I don`t plan to do any real business operation but there has been some interest due to my being able to drastically cut costs in getting out to spots and I am not docked with the coops or any other organization. I would be prepared to inform/get consent from the fisherman.
I could just drop the idea but would like to get some feedback from those who know the situation. Keep in mind that down here it`s not as tense as up in Honshu but My dumb idea could test that assumption!
Hi Dazed. Nice to see someone else in Kyushu!

Where are you here exactly?
I would say go for it. From my limited experiences, and from tales that I have heard, the problem is much less of an issue outside the greater, greater Tokyo area. I don't have much personal experience yet in succesful negotiations with Fishermen - I am still trying to find the head guy to talk to in my area, but I am told by many folks that they can be negotiated with. Stress that you will not allow your divers to take fish etc (particularly shell fish, lobsters, prawns) and you stand a good chance of getting their OK. All the professional dive operations have managed to get the green light some-how. If you don't get permision though, and if they are not completely relaxed down there, then you can expect trouble. They can be very efficient in disrupting diving if they want to, and this could be unpleasent or worse.
Just my 2 c worth. Keep the board updated on your progress.
Thanks for the welcome and the tips. I am in the Kagoshima City area. My Honda powered Zodiac is JCI rated for 6 persons/1500lbs. I am a former Marine experienced with these boats. I am from Galveston, Texas. I had my rig air freighted to me here. Sadly, as I see it, I am in the English teaching business but I am independent. I am here with my wife and 3 young sons.
The divers expressing interest in my taking them out were foreigners with their own gear I believe. I declined the offer knowing full well my need to get in touch with the coops. I say coop because I have the ability to launch from many areas in S. Kyushu and beyond.
I only know a few diving spots at this time but a Japanese dive shop employee expressed interest in my ability to cheaply [with permission] scout out new areas without being on a fisherman`s schedule or dealing with the fuel costs[unreal].
Anyway, thanks again for the welcome and the quick responses.
If you have a Japanese dive shop employee on your side, this could be the way to open up doors. You'll need a local to help in discussions with the fishermen, although they are much more laid back down there.

Kagoshima can be either very open or closed, depending on who you know. Good thing one of my distant relatives is well known in his area, having owned a shochu distillery a long time ago.

I'm interested to hear how you got your Zodiac approved by the local government for use in domestic Japanese waters. Let me know how that process was.
Mar Scuba, I have a family member in the shipping business and sending the boat was cheap. Japanese customs inspected and charged me a fee and then I had to purchase all the JCI approved safety gear. JCI was very helpful. I had to submit my U.S. title of ownership for the boat and motor to prove it was mine and then register the boat. Then I had to pass the inspection with the boat fully assembled and ready to go. It passed no problem. The JCI office was here in Kagoshima City. The boat`s registered name is "Hat Trick".
It was time consuming, confusing at times and expensive but much cheaper than buying a boat/motor here.
Thank you for your advice. I will introduce myself to the fishing coops and gain info from shops and anyone else I can find. I will see if I can offer some inshore boat dives by late spring or so, IF all goes well.
Dazed, thanks for the info and good luck!

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