Kudos to Northwest Sports Divers & Salvo

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Matt S.

Reaction score
Kirkland, WA
# of dives
100 - 199
Both my LDS (nwsd.biz) and Salvo were VERY helpful when my new 10W HID can light turned out to be a dud. Salvo offered to mail me new parts based on my email explaining the problem--no hassle at all. But Matthew at Northwest Dive Sports beat them to the punch by making an exchange in the store, and taking up the warranty issue with Salvo himself. I got great service from both parties.

(Before Matthew knew if he had a light available to exchange, he even offered to loan me a light if I needed one before my replacement arrived.)

(Oops, it's Northwest Sports Divers... I flipped the name around.)
Matt's good people. And Salvo are good people, too. They just repaired a light for my buddy as a warranty issue, when they could easily have charged him for the repair.
Nice kudos ... minor correction though ... it's Northwest Sports Divers ... http://www.nwsportsdivers.com/

Matt's done a great job since buying that shop ... and you can't do better than Salvo when it comes to great customer service ...

... Bob (Grateful Diver)
Oops, you're right!
I edited the title of the thread and put proper name

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