Kudos to all my new dive buddies and students

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Chicago Area (Naperville to be exact)
# of dives
1000 - 2499
With the dive season almost finished in the Chicago area, I'd like to thank all of the new dive buddies I met this year. As well as my students, thank you for selecting me as your instructor. I hope that I was able to help you in your quest to improve your diving abilities and enjoyment of the sport I love. I've had the privilege of having many students that I would like to continue diving with. Last year, I was contemplating not renewing my instructor rating. But this year has been the best year I've had in terms of quality of students and dive buddies I have ever had. Thanks for making my 2006 diving season so enjoyable. This has been my most enjoyable dive season to date. I've had a blast and I look forward to next year!

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