Koh Tao dive centre advice: Black tip? Big Bubble?

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Cologne, Germany
Hello guys

My boyfriend and I have got 5 days on Koh Tao in Jan. We’re qualified to Advanced OW but don’t have that many dives under our belts. We just want to do some nice fun dives where we see plenty of cool stuff.

I’m trying to choose a dive centre. First priority is to get a reputable dive operation, but preferably it’d be in a location that we would enjoy too. We don’t really want to be on Sairee Beach – preferably a quieter, less built up one with maybe 5 or 6 places to choose from, a few bars and restaurants. Snorkelling from the beach / rocks nearby also a bonus. I want to nail the dive centre location first and then choose accommodation (not necessarily with the dive centre).

At the moment for I’ve come up with Black Tip Divers on Tanote Bay, and Big Bubble near Chalok Ban Kao. Has anyone dived with either of these operations before? Or have any other recommendations for similar locations on Tao? Of course if anyone has any accommodation recs they would also be gratefully received!


Hey Maz,

I spent a few days at Crystal Dive. They were fine, the rooms were nice and right on the beach so the view was quite lovely. Nice cottages, good price. It's very close to the ferry pier, just a few minutes walk. The dive master was great, very calm and in control of the group, even though she was just 21 years old!

Sorry I can't give advice about shores dives -- the day of diving we did was from a boat. Maybe someone else on the board knows about good shore entry.

Only thing I didn't like was the amount of people on board (maybe 2 dozen?). Don't get me wrong -- the DMs did a very good job of keeping track of their headcount and keeping everyone organised. I just personally don't like crowds! Prefer the smaller operations, generally....

You might want to get to Koh Tao and then walk around a bit, get a feel for the place. Then choose where you want to stay.
Black Tip have a great reputation and the area they are is also very pretty.

It is out of the way though.

I spent many many months at Buddha View and found it also looked after all my needs.
I did have transport and lived in Mae Head. Think the previous poster is correct in saying book one day somewhere close to town, grab a scooter and go have a look.
Either that or start spending some time seaching on line. It is usually cheaper to book online, and the range of accomodation varies between resorts.

I also stayed at New Haven and had a wonderful week right on the water away from all the crowds.

Enjoy you trip
Black tip is a cool location and offers good snorkeling and swimming from tanote bay.

The only drawback is you either need to be confident on a motorbike to get to and from tanote bay or rely on taxis ( regular from blacktip).

Carabao in Chalok ban kow is cool or for nice location try Taa tao lagoon divers, great location and they have an excellent dive guide there who has been working the sites around koh tao for years. Big Bubble is much the same as carabao(right next door)

Another alternative is new heaven divers they have two locations one remote Sai Dang and the other in chalok ban kow they also do a lot of reef conservation work and will offer small groups and relaxed atmosphere.

Crystal is great for learning to dive but mae haad can be busy and there boat is often very busy to.They do offer a great Instructor program, but if its serenity and small groups you are after try the suggestions above.

Anyhow happy diving.
Hello guys

My boyfriend and I have got 5 days on Koh Tao in Jan. We’re qualified to Advanced OW but don’t have that many dives under our belts. We just want to do some nice fun dives where we see plenty of cool stuff.

I’m trying to choose a dive centre. First priority is to get a reputable dive operation, but preferably it’d be in a location that we would enjoy too. We don’t really want to be on Sairee Beach – preferably a quieter, less built up one with maybe 5 or 6 places to choose from, a few bars and restaurants. Snorkelling from the beach / rocks nearby also a bonus. I want to nail the dive centre location first and then choose accommodation (not necessarily with the dive centre).

At the moment for I’ve come up with Black Tip Divers on Tanote Bay, and Big Bubble near Chalok Ban Kao. Has anyone dived with either of these operations before? Or have any other recommendations for similar locations on Tao? Of course if anyone has any accommodation recs they would also be gratefully received!



If you want to be out of the hustle and noise, then it's a good idea steering clear of Sairee. Chalok Ban Kao is still within reach of the Mae Haed (central part of island where the pier is) and there are lovely beaches nearby. From Chalok, you can walk to Shark Bay and if you're lucky, you'll be able to snorkel with blacktip sharks. Big Bubble is a smaller operation and if you prefer a bigger more social scene, there is Buddha View. Nearby and high atop a cliff is New Heaven. The view is very nice and they have a little dive operation there.

Black Tip on Tanote is a nice and secluded place - there are lovely snorkelling areas off Tanote and from nearby Ao Leuk. However, as mentioned by another responder, it is way out of the way and you'll need taxi transport in and out of town. It's a perilous motorbike journey and I've seen many mishaps en-route (and have to confess I've been in a couple myself).
By the way, Koh Tao is pretty quiet!!!! So even in the centre of town, it is not exactly crazy-ville. Unless you want COMPLETE silence in the forest or something.
I'm an idependant instructor and take my bookings to a small dive centre in Mae Haad called Master Divers. The centre is out of the way of the hustle and bustle and keep their fun diving groups small too. I take my bookings there for a reason, they're small,professional and personalised. Many of their guests stay in Sensi Paradise Resort and Charm Churee but there are some great smaller bungalow operations in this area which offer good value accomm just accross the road from the beach and they have some good snorkeling too. Mae Haad is where you arrive and as such offers you a great base for exploring and access to everythng you need without being in the hubbub of Sairee.

Blacktip and Big Bubble have a good reputation but Tanote Bay (blacktip) can be quite isolated but there are resorts and restaurants on the beach ....Chalock (B Bubble) has more to offer in terms of faciltes but the swimmng and snorkeling there is not the best. Better beaches are close by but most require a taxi or motorbike to get to ....

You were given good advise in an earlier post....book a nights accomm and have a wander around...happy to meet you and give you more pointers upon arrival too....
Did my ow and AOW at Big Blue ... nice people, heaps of fun, good quality, nice rooms ... perfect!

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