Know of a Victoria BC club?

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kelp maiden:
Does anyone know of a Victoria (BC) area SCUBA club?

Victoria Scuba Club
2098 Skylark Lane, Sidney BC, V8L1Y4
Tel: 250-655-2650
Position: 48D39.05N 123D24.73W
Sometimes you're the pigeon. Sometimes you're the statue.

Nice signature, and you are a sparky too? So am I.
They have a webpage you can check out at . I'm not sure how often the club meets. I could guess that they're not very active right now because they're website hasn't been updated recently; however, I have been wrong about these things.

They have monthly meetings... e-mail Tom Dakin (e-mail posted in earlier message) for their April meeting (coming up very soon I believe). Or PM me for me details. I've never been to one yet though.

There's also the UVic Scuba Club -- for UVic students only. I also setup a Yahoo! Group ( intended for divers at UVic, but there doesn't seem to be enough interest. I'll probably rename it Victoria_Scuba soon for a broader audience. But if you want a dive buddy, there are a couple people on there who dive regularly.

- ChillyWaters
kelp maiden:
Thanks. I am a student at UVic so I will check them out to.

Cool. I'll message you the UVic Scuba Club president's e-mail address later.

This year it cost $35 to join the club. We had free airfills at a couple of the local shops. We had several dive trips for $25 (2 dives and lunch): race rocks, a couple out at the wrecks, etc.. And a couple group dives.

Not sure what the format will be like next year. The University expressed concern over us getting free air -- they were worried about it from a liability stand-point (don't ask me why). Anyways, PM me in a few days if I somehow forget to pass along the e-mail address.

- a_guy_on_the_web
Nice signature, and you are a sparky too? So am I.

Thanks, mate! I got my Red Seal this past Dec.

Those two mention dive clubs for victoria are no longer operating. So, for a lack of any dive clubs in victoria, I have now started a new one. I already have enough members in get a section on scubaboard which should be posted soon. The website will be or maybe I will change it to its own website soon. So, anyone that would like to join, please feel free to email me.

See ya soon.


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