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Rick Inman

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Spokane, WA
Well, Monday AM I leave for 12 days in Puerta (puertO?) Vallarta. This is not a DIVE vacation, however I'm bringing most of my gear and I have 8 dives planned. After reading everything I can on this and other boards about diving in PV, I am not expecting too much. I booked with Pacific Scuba. I liked their attitude about not commiting to any locations until they check the daily water conditions (rain can cause vis to drop suddenly). Also, their diver to DM ratio is 4 to 1 and they make DIVE trips, not dive/drink/swim/drink/party/beach/drink/whale watch.
I've read every post on PV on this board, but if you haven't posted or have any tips, I would appreciate it!
I'll post a report when I return.
I've not heard much of anything, be it good or bad about diving the Pacific side of Mexico-- the notable exceptions being the Sea of Cortez/Baja area. It will be interesting to read about your experiences.
I spent 2 seasons cruising Paicific Mexico in my sailboat "Crazy Fish". "Crazy Fish" has a compressor installed and I dived quite a bit.

Pacific Mexico is a mixed bag. I would not run a dive trip to any of destinations along the mainland, but it is ocean with reasonably clear water and a variety of marine life.

The Sea of Cortez has a wealth of life and is an entirely different story. Isla Socorro is awesome with a number of endemic species, manta rays and a number of pelagic species. Also it is a volcanic island so there are lots of interesting formations underwater.

Puerto Vallarta sits on a Banderas bay which is quite large. There are a number of islands which sit on the western edge of the bay and they are about 20-25 miles from PV. Offshore of these islands is Roca Negra. These islands offer some interesting diving and Roca Negra is a very nice advanced dive. The rock has a tunnel which on the east side starts in about 80 feet and on the west side exits in about 40 feet. The tunnel is a entirely in the cavern zone.

Manta Rays are occasionaly seen at the offshore islands as are Humpback Whales.

The water temps can be quite chilly during certain times of the year, into the lower 60s. During the summer I would imagine its in the higher 70s.

Although the diving is not world class, I like Puerto Vallarta a lot. It is a very pretty city, with an active artist community. A lot of ex-pats have set up businesses in the city. The northern side of Banderas Bay is being actively developed.

There are few other dives closer to town, which you have not dived Pacific Mexico will be fun.

As far as other sites that are nearby resorts. The Zihuatenejo/Ixtapa area offers some decent rock reefs. Huatulco probably has the best dive sites along the Pacific Mexican coast.

Marc Hall

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