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Auckland, New Zealand
Gidday to all you Northern Hemisphere insomniacs from New Zealand. Came accross your site yesterday & couldn't leave. I'm currently doing the Steel vs Alu research for some new tanks and the info here was really usefull so thanks a lot.
Greetings from another Commonwealth diver! Welcome to one of (if not the) best places to spend your SI!
and a warm welcome to the Scubaboard from not-so-far-away Bangkok.

Glad you're finding the info on here useful, and we hope to see you around often and hear some of your experiences - of which there must be many!

and a Oreo cookie welcome from ARIZONA the alll beach no ocean state
And Welcome from Rochester NY.

Insomniacs? I don't get it. There should be balance in all things. There is 8 hrs a day for work, 8 hrs a day for play, and 8 hrs a day for Scuba board.....err I mean rest. :D:

Enjoy the boards, there is a lot of information here. :)
Welcome to the board.
This is a great place to do research.
I love my hp steel 120's

Mike M:thumb:
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun , Dive Safe ..........................Arduous

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