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Orange County California
Hello all

Just wanted to say hi and that i enjoyed reading through the posts in here. Some good information and knowledge located in here, think i will stay.

About me: I was OW certified in 1986 thru a LDS called Black Bart Aquatics in Orange County California. I took AOW in Groton when i was in the service. After the military i when to The Ocean Corperation in Texas for commercial diver and NDT training. This commercial training got me into tech diving and i have earned IANTD tech nitrox and tech deep air certs, one of these days i will finish my trimix class.

c u on the board
Welcome to the board. Glad you found us!
and welcome to the "family". You'll have a grand time here. One of the best places to surf a SI...
Welcome to the board, from NJ!
4 ft. of ice boggles the mind of this warm water diver.
And I thought i had a long wait to dive again.
Meanwhile, enjoy the Board.
Good luck,
and a WARM welcome from sunny ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state

glad you are here :balloon:
Welcome to the board! I'm new here as well but find that it is a valuable asset. As I'm sure you have discovered already.

Since we are both in O.C., CA there's a possible chance we'll run into one another on future dives. See ya then!

yeah we are practically neighbors. If you havent already been to Open water habitat right off the 5 freeway you should. Ask for Gary he has helped me untold millions of times and always happy to let me bug him.

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