Just back from Costa Rica

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New Jersey
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500 - 999
Just got back from a week+ in Costa Rica ( Guanacaste/Papagayo area). This was not a dive trip but rather a family vacation in which I got a couple of days of diving in.
On the first dive of the first day we saw at least 24 eagle rays- more than I think I have seen total in 15+years of diving. THere were also sharks, sting rays and turtles. There was also more "regular" reef fish then I have ever seen on a single dive, huge schools of every kind. This was all in the area of Monkey Rock. On the second dive of the second day near Catalina island, we saw Mantas and Eagle rays swimming together. The mantas were very big and came within about 20 feet of us- truly awesome.
I had never heard much about diving in Costa Rica before, but in terms of fish life it is now close to the top of my list.:D
If you liked it just now, you need to go back in May! We went a couple of years ago, and went out to Bat Island for the Bull Sharks. It was too cool!


We need to go back, as well, just trying to fit it all in.

Just got back from a week+ in Costa Rica ( Guanacaste/Papagayo area). This was not a dive trip but rather a family vacation in which I got a couple of days of diving in.
On the first dive of the first day we saw at least 24 eagle rays- more than I think I have seen total in 15+years of diving. THere were also sharks, sting rays and turtles. There was also more "regular" reef fish then I have ever seen on a single dive, huge schools of every kind. This was all in the area of Monkey Rock. On the second dive of the second day near Catalina island, we saw Mantas and Eagle rays swimming together. The mantas were very big and came within about 20 feet of us- truly awesome.
I had never heard much about diving in Costa Rica before, but in terms of fish life it is now close to the top of my list.:D
Thanks for the report. I have been wanting to go to CR for a long time but I keep getting cheap deals on Cozumel that are too attractive. I think I need to visit Costa Rica soon.
Hi Donn/ibj,

have you got any advice on where to stay, which dive shops to use, etc?
I will be heading that way in about 10 days for a week. i fly into san jose, if you have any advice on how to get to that area (taxi, bus) i would appreciate it very much.
Hi Donn/ibj,

have you got any advice on where to stay, which dive shops to use, etc?
I will be heading that way in about 10 days for a week. i fly into san jose, if you have any advice on how to get to that area (taxi, bus) i would appreciate it very much.

When we went (in 2005), we flew into Liberia, in lieu of San Jose, and were picked up by the hotel. If we ever go back (hopefully soon), we will rent a car. The roads are reasonably marked (although horribley maintained), so getting around didn't seem to be a problem.

We stayed at what is now the Hilton Papagayo Costa Rica Resort (back then it was the independently-owned Fiesta Premier). We used the on-site dive shop Resort Divers (and I understand they stayed with the hotel when the ownership changed).

From there, we went by a hired private car to the Arenal Volcano area, and this is where we would rent a car next time.

Sorry I can't provide more current information.

Good Luck and have fun!
We did pretty much what IBJ did-except stayed at the Four Seasons which is also in the Papagayo region. If we go back, would also rent a car at Liberia airport. We dove with Dive Safaris who have several shops around the Pappagayo area. There are many smaller nice looking hotels north of Octel back towards the Papagayo peninsula.
Good Luck DD
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