Just a few questions...

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Hi y'all,

I've been completely diving-inactive for 6 years, ever since I got my certification, and I'd really like to get back into it. So...

Can anyone give me any suggestions on acquiring some good equipment (or decent enough that I'm not in too much danger of dying) for not too much money? I have NO gear.


Does anyone have any suggestions on good dive locations or groups in the Southern California area that don't cost an arm and a leg? (See the connection here? $$$$ not a lot.)

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks much, and good diving to all.

Regulator: TX50 with TX40 octo....cost about $250-350 or so (depending on source), but a darn good choice. Many folks here think highly of this. And it will cover just about any recreational dive profile and many technical ones.

BC: Seriously consider backplate/wings setup. As pointed out and picked apart during a discussion after my Nitrox class tonight, this is one of the few, if not the only, BC system that can literally grow with you as you increase your skill, take on more intense/advanced dive profiles, or change physically (pack on or lose weight). The example stated tonight was a teenage diver who could start with the smaller components, and the change out just the bits required as she grew up. Not sure on the cost of this system, but I'm sure some others can assist there.

Exposure suit: Depends on where you are diving and other factors too difficult to hammer out here. But you can pick up bargains through eBay (got my 3-mil 1pc O'niel for $50).

That's my 2 centavos for right now....Anyone else want a turn on the soapbox?
Truthfully, if you haven't been diving since you got your c-card, I would suggest renting for a little while until you get familiar with the equipment again, before you decide to buy. Dive shop gear rentals may not be high-tech fancy stuff, but you have to remember they use it for their open water students, so it SHOULD be highly maintained.

If your heart is set on getting your own gear, check your dive shop for package deals they have set up. Most shops do have full basic packages set up for a lower price.

Also, if it has been that long, think about taking a refresher course, or see what it would cost to sit in with an open water class. I don't feel as comfortable in the water if I haven't been diving for a few months..if we are talking about 6 years, you may need to go over a few things again. DiveMasters can do a "scuba tune-up", and they may have a more open schedule than an Instructor.

Anyway, welcome back...and dive safe!
Welcome Kimo-sabe,
The facts are that there will be much that you will have forgotten and if,as you have intimated,you did not do too much after your OW cert than you will have missed all that re-enforcing of skills that comes after diving for a while.
I too took a refresher course after years without diving and I was qualified to rescue level.The dumb divers are the dead ones.so to speak.Never be afraid of being realistic about your limitations.The OW,as others have so eloquently put in other threads on this board,is only your introduction to scuba and not a all knowing and all seeing liscence for life.We are always learning and improving.
Stay Smart,Stay Safe,and Stay in the Water,
Cheers Big Ears,
The one and only,
(p.s. wouldn't you love to see a rabbit in dive gear? I know I would....heheheh)
Rusty, Welcome to the Scubasource family, where in Southern California are you? I know most of the shop's through San Diego all the way through L.A. I can give you some more precise info if you like.

A good resource for Southern California divers is diver.net.
Lots of info and very interesting board.

I agree with the other posts, especially scubabunny's. I would not be in a big rush to buy equipment at this point in your reentry.

Welcome back to diving and all the good things that go with it.

Hiya Rusty,
I had the same kind of experience recently. I originally certified in 1996, but I didn't live near any good diving & I didn't have any friends who dove. I went out twice after I got my c-card, but didn't feel like I was skilled to go with any other newbies, so I fell out of diving. In february this year I decided to renew my interest in the sport. I took the OW class again to get back into it and now I live where there is a lot of great diving. I still don't have any friends who dive, but hec... I am making new friends & I have met the coolest people!

For gear I would day that you might want to wait & rent for a while... but when you have decided what you want, buy it. You will be more safe & comfortable & spend less in the long run.

just my half dollar.


Is a scubabunny anything like a skibunny? :mean:


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