Eric Sedletzky
We had twelve divers show up to the 7/7 dive at Stillwater. And four or five for shore support.
We collected 1277 lbs. of purple urchins!
We had a great day!
The water was calm, the cove was virtually flat.
Vis was a little milky but good enough to bag purps.
I worked the zombie zone and packed four green bags over two dives. Everyone seems to be getting good amounts of urchins, and a few guys got four bags too. Multiple bags help. We’re getting better.
The water temp was about 53ish? It felt warmer than the 45 we had a few months ago.
I was diving wet in a 7mm and only began to feel a slight chill at the end of the second dive.
We filled every container I had and my truck was completely full!
Super job everyone !!!

Best part: BULL KELP IS GROWING IN THE COVE!!! We did it!!!!
Yes, bull kelp has spouted and taking hold in the center of the cove.
There is also an abundance of ribbon kelp, sea palms, sea lettuces and various other weeds growing that would not be there if it was not for our efforts!
Stillwater would still be an urchin barren and an underwater waste land if we did nothing. So everyone who volunteers. this is a direct result of all your hard work, and I thank you!!
We collected 1277 lbs. of purple urchins!
We had a great day!
The water was calm, the cove was virtually flat.
Vis was a little milky but good enough to bag purps.
I worked the zombie zone and packed four green bags over two dives. Everyone seems to be getting good amounts of urchins, and a few guys got four bags too. Multiple bags help. We’re getting better.
The water temp was about 53ish? It felt warmer than the 45 we had a few months ago.
I was diving wet in a 7mm and only began to feel a slight chill at the end of the second dive.
We filled every container I had and my truck was completely full!
Super job everyone !!!

Best part: BULL KELP IS GROWING IN THE COVE!!! We did it!!!!
Yes, bull kelp has spouted and taking hold in the center of the cove.
There is also an abundance of ribbon kelp, sea palms, sea lettuces and various other weeds growing that would not be there if it was not for our efforts!
Stillwater would still be an urchin barren and an underwater waste land if we did nothing. So everyone who volunteers. this is a direct result of all your hard work, and I thank you!!