Jules Undersea Lodge saturation dive

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Wrong side of Washington state.
# of dives
50 - 99
I was thinking about Jules Undersea lodge and wondering about the lack of deco after spending 21 or more hours at 21 FSW. They offer unlimited diving during a stay, and the web site seems to suggest the area around the lodge is 30 FSW.

After an overnight stay, their site says no flying or diving for 24 hours. What are the chances of DCS after a 21-hour stay, given no deco—immediate surfacing? What if someone were to stay for two or more days? I don’t see any mention of ascending to the surface and descending during a dive. Wouldn’t that increase the risk of DCS?

I read a previous thread where, IIRC, an extended dive to 15 FSW wasn’t likely to be a problem, but 30 FSW might be a problem for some people after a day. Since Jules is less than the 30 FSW, if someone spent less than a day at the lodge, it’s probably going to be OK. I wonder how often Jules has someone spending more than one day, and if they have any protocols for multi-day times.

Does the idea of spending a night at the lodge, or performing a saturation dive interest anyone? I would enjoy spending a night or two at Jules with a group of friends.

I am not the expert here, but the lodge rooms I think are pressurized to surface....14.4 or whatever surface psi.
As i recall you have to "dive in" with compressed gas to get in the rooms.
Or so I recall.
I have not stayed there myself.
Someone will be along shortly to address this I think.
You can also ask this on the Florida Conch forum.
Some folks there have in fact stayed at the place in Key Largo.
Is not sure about sleeping underwater.
As the OP was alluding to...
The scuba room is open to the ocean in the floor, so the place must be pressurized to the ambient level at that depth, not surface pressure..or the water would flood in...
That shallow depth should not really respresent a DCS hazzard.
Yup...no air lock.


Cheated at 10th grade physics.
Thanks Dr. Deco, DCBC and Jagfish. I was just wondering about deco from this depth.

I had read some other threads, and it seemed as if somewhere between 15 and 30 FSW would create a deco obligation. I will read the thread you linked to, DCBC.

Not sure if I will ever spend a night at Jules, and for the price not sure if I want to. Would be kind of a kick to be able to say I did a 20 hour dive.

Not sure what an air lock has to do with whether a deco obligation would exist, but I think I will skip that thought.

Thanks again for the answers,

It sure is pricey....

Hey Jagfish,

Indeed, especially given that the rooms are humid, very small and share a common room/bathroom/kitchen. Plus, vis in the lagoon usually is modest to poor and marine life minimal by FL standards.



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