John Chatterton & Richie Kohler team up with Diveheart at the Mall of America Aquarium...Just one of the stories that made the 21 year old Diveheart highlight reel...
#mallofamerica #mallofamericaaquarium #johnchatterton #richiekohler #diveheart #blind #MattJohnson #scubatherapy

Diveheart Dives with Sharks at the Mall of America Aquarium
Diveheart allows those with disabilities to pursue their dreams by going scuba diving with the sharks in the aquarium at the Mall of America. This is just on...
#mallofamerica #mallofamericaaquarium #johnchatterton #richiekohler #diveheart #blind #MattJohnson #scubatherapy

Diveheart Dives with Sharks at the Mall of America Aquarium
Diveheart allows those with disabilities to pursue their dreams by going scuba diving with the sharks in the aquarium at the Mall of America. This is just on...