It was an interesting weekend....

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First of all......WHERE DID THE D*** WEEKEND GO??????????????????????????????????????

My GF took her younger daughter....the one that hates my the beach for their annual mom daughter....daughters boyfriend....weekend. I would have gone but my dad has pneumonia and I didnt think it was a good idea to split for the whole weekend, so I stayed home.

I didnt get a lot done actually. I put a new electrical plug out on the pourch. The old one was so old that it was literally falling apart in pieces. There was a fire waiting to happen.

I did a lot of thinking about my job. I really wish I had the alternative to go somewhere else, but the reality is that there is no job anywhere in this area that pays the way it does that would be available to me. So I am stuck somewhere I used to like....but now barely tolerate.

I thought a lot about my health this year. It seems I have been sick all year and now I am scheduled to take a test soon that determines how clogged up my heart is because of symptoms I have had. If you dont hurt anywhere....dont feel bad.....arent bleeding.....youre knees dont hurt....your back is chest pains.....then enjoy the h*** out of it and really appreciate it.

I thought a lot about my upcoming trip to Barbados with my GF and dauighter and son in law. If the test i take next week or so says I need aint happening until after the vacation. Ive already got about 5k in nonrefundable deposits tied up.

I spent some time talking to my dad this weekend. It was strange. He talked to me about things that he never talked about before. Some were deep...some were funny.....some were both. One goofy thing we talked about was you never walk behind a guy in combat when advancing because it makes it look like you want him to take YOUR bullet. It was weird.

He is an interesting guy and a mess of contridictions. Believe it or not, he is one of the last surviving members of the 2nd Regiment, 7th Cavalry. Yep, he was a real horse soldier. He has a pic in his basement of him on his horse wearing his Cav outfit. He is also one of the last surviving members of the First Special Service Force of WWII. He is planning on going to their LAST unit reunion this August. I hope he makes it. He is one old fart and I am surprised every day when I go over and he is still kickin. My whole local family was military. I did my 20, one of my nephews is resting I hope in peace and didnt make retirement and his brother just retired from the Navy SEALS. Hopefully he will transition well. You Vets know what I mean about that.

All in all it wasnt a bad weekend. Kinda lonely from time to time....kinda busy from time to time...and def hot as the dickens. Thought I was gonna cook cutting the two acres of grass I have to cut about every weekend.

Just thought I would share. Hope your week end was good.

Should have drove to Wilmington and gotten a dive or two in......but there was that pneumonia thing. Another time.

My youngest child went to a private K-8 school here in Raleigh. Their required 7th grade history project is to find a WW II veteran and do a complete report including charts graphs and posters about that persons entire experience.

The gentleman from my church that she picked was with Patton at the Battle of the Bulge - One never knows about another persons background.

At the end of the year the class invites all the veterans and makes a presentation to them of their project and all their presentations. It was quite inspiring.

All the interviews are required to be taped and the teacher keeps all of them in archives.

Good luck with your father. We are losing too many veterans too fast.

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