interchanging 1st and 2nd stages

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Howdy from the shallower waters,

Just getting all my gear together and was wondering (because I am a newbee) can you interchange 1st and 2nd stages. Like take a Aeris Atmos Pro 2nd stage and combine it with a Oceanic PX3 DVT 1st stage.
Generally the answer is yes. The 1st stage drops the pressure from the tank down to around an intermediate pressure about 140psi above the ambient pressure. Then 2nd stage then uses that 140psi to deliver air upon demand.

Ignoring some oddball regs such as Poseidon that have unusual intermediate pressures, the only other gotchas are some "overbalanced" 1st stages that increase the intermediate pressure faster than the ambient pressure increases when you descend. In other words, the intermediate pressure might go from 140psi on the surface to 150psi above ambient at some depth. Not all 2nd stages can handle that sort of change. Any "balanced" 2nd stage should be able to.

Sometimes, you'll have to take the 1st and 2nd stages to a shop to adjust the two to optimize the combined performance, but in general you can interchange brands.
Thanks Charlie99,
the reasoning is that Aeris Atmos Pro and Sport seem to be clearing out in most places, I have been looking for a DVT setup at a lower price so my thought was to get the Oceanic Alpha 8 w/DVT PX3 and say the Aeris Atmos Sport, use the DVT as the first stage with the Atmos Sport as the second and and the Alpha 8 as the octo. And end up with a spare 1st stage. Does it make sense?

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