Instant cash allowance?

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Reaction score
Central MS
# of dives
50 - 99
How exactly does this work? I can trade in my Alpha 8 for what exactly? How much would I get for my Alpha 8 toward say, a Delta 4?

Oceanic Website:
Trade in a single product or any combination regulator, octopus, BC, and instrument described in the blue headings below, and receive an Instant Cash Allowance on brand-new Oceanic products. Upgrades are Factory Authorized and qualify for all Oceanic warranty and service programs.

There are no 'blue headings' on the page, not in my browser anyway, just FAQ's.

Is there a promo # or something I can give to whatever diveshop I use? I called a shop the other day asking about this and they had no idea what I was asking about :D

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