David Haas
Pair of Inon Z240 Type 4 strobes with o-rings, Inon Silicone grease, diffusers, target light fresnels and manuals.
$450.00 shipped domestic US in two business days with confirmed payment via PayPal Friends and Family or Zelle.
Extra items such as ball mounts, arms and clamps, optical synch cords, etc. available for $$$$ additional.
Email directly and include full name, ship to address and phone number.
David Haas
Stow OH 44224 Eastern Time Zone

$450.00 shipped domestic US in two business days with confirmed payment via PayPal Friends and Family or Zelle.
Extra items such as ball mounts, arms and clamps, optical synch cords, etc. available for $$$$ additional.
Email directly and include full name, ship to address and phone number.
David Haas
Stow OH 44224 Eastern Time Zone