In need of a Zeagle inflator for my Scout BC...

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diver 85

Reaction score
SW Louisiana
# of dives
1000 - 2499
anyone have an extra laying around & can part with it, please give me a shout.......TIA.....Joe....

PS...If not, what's the cheapest after market to go with---& where to purchase.......
I like your recycling approach, but if you come up short, then you can get a brand spankin' new one from ScubaGearPlus for only $47!

Visit the site or PM me for more info.
I like your recycling approach, but if you come up short, then you can get a brand spankin' new one from ScubaGearPlus for only $47!

Visit the site or PM me for more info.

thanks for the info----------just remembered, it may may be covered under warranty(even better for my pocket book----lol), will call Zeagle in a little while.....

btw, I believe it's the male end that plugs into the low pressure hose, on Zeagle's--not so on Sherwood's, this can be unscrewed easily----air constantly flows out of it when there's air in the BC..I know it's not the Schreader valve as I have a brad new one(part of my spare parts kit) & tried it the other nite ie still leaks air out of the male dealy-bob........again, thanks for your help
update------sent the inflator back yesterday to Zeagle, should be under warranty.....
Hey that is perfect, Zeagle is first class when it comes to customer service, one of the reasons we are proud to be a eagle dealer!

Let me know if there is anything I can help you with going forward!
update II-----it was a cracked inflator, replacing it out & sending it back---N/C.....(total cost, $3--cost of me sending it to them)
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