Icon and Alakaii and Nitrox.

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My wife has an Alakaii BC. I seem to remember at the time of purchase there was an orange hang tag attached to the BC.
It had a warning that made mention something about using it with nitrox.

I can't really recall what the warning was, but I'm pretty sure it was something in reference to using it with Nitrox.

Could you please advise me if this BC is suitable for use with Nitrox, or if there are any precautions that She should be aware of prior to diving with Nitrox.

Thank you.

It is perfectly fine to use it with nitrox. They are made in Euorpe and they have some different rules about nitrox over there. That's why the tag has a nitrox warning.
Forgive me for the question but ...the BC is labeled with a nitrox warning?

The BC?
Yes it was,

I thought this was kind of odd myself. I can't imagine why a BC would need a warning for nitrox, I just wanted to get some clarification.
The first response probably hit the nail on the head.

The BC can be used with Nitrox, the statement regarding Nitrox use is in the manual and does list different regions. I have not seen the Yellow BC Label state this, but either way it is fine per the manual.

FWIW, I use mine with Nitrox all the time.
Guys, I think you should be specifying the blend here!:cool2: Low oxygen content Nitrox. Such as in up to 40% Oxygen blends! I'm not too sure it would be good to be diving it with a 70 or 80% Oxygen blend!

I know people usually think of 40% or less when they use the term Nitrox... But the actual blend is an important detail....:coffee:

Just my retentive 0.02$:coffee:

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