IADRS Conference

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FLORIDA / LAT 27°39.133' / LON 080°22.261' / ICW M
The International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists (IADRS) conference has concluded and it was another great event. It was great seeing GRUMPIE and YOTSIE and other friends.

There were 187 public safety diving professionals in attendance representing 31 states, Canada and Australia. We had many vendors there showing the latest in technology. The speakers were excellent and many were ale to learn, share information and exchange ideas, all for the benefit of the PSD community.

I wanted to publicly extend my thanks to Susan Watson (IADRS Associate Director), our corporate sponsors and partners, our vendors, those who attended, our members (including those who could not attend) and our hosts ... the Colorado Springs Fire Department!

Together we are doing good things the keep the "safety" in Public Safety Diving.

Next year, the IADRS Public Safety Diver Conference will be held in FAIRFAX, VA. I look forward to seeing VABLACKWATER and hope to meet other forum members.


Blades Robinson, Executive Director
International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists

I look forward to shaking your hand in person and continuing to learn from you. Thank you and your organizations for all that you do for the PSD community.



Job well done! You were one busy dude all week long. It was a great conference and I came away from it with a great deal of information, new friends and contacts and best of all, more knowledge on how to be a better public safety diver.

It was good meeting you and the other in person. I am looking forward to next years conference!!!

Stay safe my friend.
Proud member of IADRS!​


Thank you for your support! The IADRS is a brotherhood based on a concept of one public safety diver helping another. A PSD does not have to be a member of the organization to receive help, though they are certainly encouraged. To the new forum member who was looking for "How to start a dive team," we will send him a copy at no charge. It is our hopes that by helping him build a SAFE foundation to build a team, it will be done with SAFETY in mind and hopefully, this will prevent mistakes that can lead to accidents and line of duty deaths.

For those who don't know, the organization also assists in the exchange of information and resources among PSD teams. Assistance is available 24/7 by calling 800-IADRS-911. Yotsie and other IADRS members pay dues ($25 per year) that support the organization and further the goals set at annual conference.

The IADRS and the members have been instrumental in getting PSD standards approved by the NFPA and have supported IADRS member Fred Jackson in his efforts on the NFPA committee. The IADRS has also supported member John Carney in working with the UHMS in developing a PSD medical standard. While some are talking about PSD standards, the IADRS is setting the standards and it is done through members voicing their opinion and paying a small annual fee to make sure their opinions count. I join Yotsie, Grumpie, Vablackwater and others in thanking those who also support the IADRS.

OKAY ... off the soapbox...

One thing I did not post earlier was the fact that we recognized some true heroes during the IADRS Annual Awards Banquet...

STEVE LINTON was presented the Robert G Tether Award for his life
long commitment to public safety diving.

TIM JAMES and THE VICTORIA POLICE (Australia) were recognized for
the heroic rescue of an elderly male trapped in an air pocket on an
overturned fishing vessel.

their use of technology in recovering five victims in the Strawberry

TERRACE WATER RESCUE in British Columbia was recognized for unique
fund raising efforts. They are trying to purchase a Kongsborg SONAR
System. See: http://www.gobid.ca/auctions/terrace-search-and-rescue

CITY OF MIAMI FIRE DEPARTMENT (FL) was recognized for having the
most improved dive team in 2007.

WATERFORD FIRE & EMERGENCY SERVICES (CT) was recognized for having
the most improved dive team in 2006.

I look forward to seeing and meeting more forum members at next years IADRS Conference in Fairfax, VA.


Blades Robinson, Executive Director
International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists

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