i think i got problem with my Mares Axis Pro octopus

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i just bought seconf hand equipment including Mares V-16 first stage, Porton XL second stage and the octopus Axis pro.
and i did not connected yet to a tank but i jusr peformed some test and i think my Axis pro has problem. when, i inhalling i can get air even when the first stage does not connected to anything. i mean that my first stage is shut with this rubber and when i try inhail with the second stage i cant get any air but with the Axis pro i do.
is there any chance that this a regular behavier?
That is not a normal function. I would have a reg tech take a look at the second stage. Since the reg was purchased used, I would also have the tech check the first stage intermediate pressure for "creep" and setting.

You might even consider having the reg rebuilt just for piece of mind. Both of your second stages can be rebuilt at a fairly low rate. The V16 can easily be converted from the SCS (Spherical Core Seal) system to the Tri-Material valve assembly.

Greg Barlow
thank i just took out the lock pin on the octopus and i fixed the way
the rubber was sitting there and noe its fine

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