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South Carolina
Hello from the sunny Southeast:

I am enviously looking at all the "newbie" posts and wishing I could be one again. Sadly, I must confess I have been around a good while just not right here. Mostly on more...vituperative sites (Oh, hi, Jim H. :wink: )

I am happy to begin to know so many happy and enthusiastic people and hope to be a part of keeping such a positive forum blowing bubbles for a good long time.

You girl, are going to have fun here. You'll meet some real interesting people here. Some, well are even more so, but you'll soon discover them.

Ask a question, and it will be answered - perhaps not in quite the way you might expect. We do tend to lend towards the sarcastic side of life....

Good to have you aboard,
I am a newbie to this board, but have been posting on some other scuba boards... I WISH that I had known about this board when I first learned how to dive. At that time, all the other boards seemed so advanced in their dive experience that I found myself intimidated.

This board separates topics and makes it easier to post...

Welcome watergal and achu from North Texas.

I'm not one of the people diving gal is warning you about but some of my fellow Texans are

Achu.... I just returned from your fine local last month and had a blast....Its enough to make me envy you a little bit.

Welcome watergal.
I love seeing more women divers find our board.
Be sure to check out
If you have any interesting info or stories, send them to so she can post them on the site.
Oh Geez, she couuld have told you that!
Welcome from NJ!
One look at the complexity of your gear, and I could tell that you are certainly not a "newbie Diver", just new to the Board.
Looking forward to hearing from you about your experiences.
Good luck, and welcome,
Now Tom, if you keep that up, we'll never get her to come visit us in Texas for some down home Swamp Diving! :)

A big Texas HOWDY!!! to you Watergal!

This is a very good board for you to learn, share experiences, and have lots of fun. We look forward to your participation.

PS. Corsair passed his AOW course!!!!
from the SECOND LARGEST province in the SECOND LARGEST country in the world.............

Ontario, Canada...................................................
and another WARM and Sunny Welcome From ARIZONA

come on over the Beach is fine

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