Hugh Parkey's Belize Adventure Lodge

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This is the resort I ment to post about.
I have lots of info about sunbreeze. Will teach me to post with out proof reading (not)
I am after a nice place easy to live at for a 5 days other options then diving for non diver friends.
All reviews read.
So much depends on your preferences, and your budget! If you want to be near town where it's happening (whatever "it" is) then Sunbreeze is one good choice. Others that come to mind are The Palms, Ramon's, Paradise Villas, Phoenix, with lots of other smaller, cheaper and less luxurious places. If you're happy to be further from town but still within reach of it you won't go wrong with Victoria House. Again, there are quite a few others. If you really want a tropical "get-away" then you want to be further out. There are lots of places "up north", the one I like the most being Tranquility Bay. Although it's 12+ miles from town you're not isolated, and can easily spend every day in or around town - if you want to. Most people just revel in the tranquility, the unspoiled beach, snorkelling or kayaking from shore (the reef is very close there, and there's no passing boat traffic), and the excellent food.

At the end of the day no-one can make your choice for you. You can get more information on all these places from Belize and Ambergris Caye Lodging .
It is hard to be able to look at a web site and really understand about one place that is why it is so important to hear from people who have been.
Not looking for a place where "it" is happining more quiet beach and easy acess to SCUBA and other options
Hugh Parkey's Belize Adventure Lodge

This is not located on Ambergris Caye but is located on Spanish Caye which is about 20 minutes boat ride out of Belize City close to St Georges Caye,

Its a remote place and while I am a big fan of HP Dive Connection if I were to decide to stay on a remote island in Belize it would be where the best diving in Belize is on my doorstep which would be on Turneffe, Lighthouse or Glovers.

You can still Dive with HP Dive Connection out of the Sunbreeze.

Gaz Cooper
Greetings from snowy Minnesota!
My husband is a newly certified diver but I am just a "lowly" snorkler :) We have plans to stay on Ambergris Caye for a week in February but are looking for someplace to spend two additional days at the end of our visit. We were interested in Hugh Parkey's but would prefer someplace where we can (in addition to diving) do some great snorkeling on our own (no boat needed). You mentioned Turneffe/Lighthouse/Glovers where "the best diving in Belize is right outside your door". Can you suggest anyplace that might fit the bill? Any suggestions/tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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