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I guess i havent properly introduced myself. im a studetn and teacher from oregon who has been diving for three years now. Im working on my padi dm and have only dove in oregon and kenya.(i would suggest them both!) ive already had some great advice from questions ive asked here, and im excited to have such a great community resource at my fingertips! scooter
and a Warm 73F Welcome From ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state

glad to have you aboard... So Kenya, That Ain't a normal dive location how you come by that?
howdy, actually, i lived and worked there for five months teaching elementry school back in '99. and i just went back for a month in november. Its a great place to visit and even cooler to dive, whale sharks, humback whales, groupers the size of vw bugs and an assortment of other palagecs, sharks and rays. Kenya is english speaking so its not tough to navigate and the coast is littered with dive outfits. El nina took its toll back in 98 but its blossoming now! thanks for the hello,scooter
Hi there, and welcome to the "family" here at the board. I agree, Kenya does seem like an unlikely place to dive... but so do those stock tanks that the texans seem to like.
Welcome to the board. I can't wait to read about your experiences.

Welcome to the friendliest board around! Can't wait to hear about your experiences!

Ber :bunny:
Sounds like you've seen some cool sites, even in unexpected places!


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