Howdy! What advice can you give me regarding changing careers...

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Myrtle Beach, SC
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0 - 24
Hi everyone! I certified a few years ago while in college and have been diving off South Carolina's coast to Florida to the Carribean and Australia. Some fresh water too. I am a recreational diver.

Here's my story. I lost my corporate job 3 months ago. After throwing my resume at nearly every open HR department, my wife says to me, "why not take this opportubity to do something you enjoy?" I enjoy SCUBA.

I see a lot of doom and gloom from some of the web sites about working in the dive business. Maybe some of it is sour grapes? What serious advice can you give me regarding changing careers from the "rat-race" to a life in SCUBA. Thanks.
Howdy and welcome to :sblogo:
I did the same thing twice in my life. From Radiologic Technology to the SCUBA industry and back to radiology and now back to SCUBA. I love being in this industry. Hospital work reached it's limit with me.
Instructors can make a decent living in the industry if you hook up with a good dive operation.
Good luck in your decisions!!
Hi aquabuddhist, and welcome to :sblogo:
I too am trying to make a career change (sort of, corporate, engineering management) into the dive industry.
Right now I am just enjoying my time off, kind of a mid-life mini-retirement. :D
Good luck to both of us getting a job we can really enjoy!
There are a lot of Scuba instructors out there, so you have to learn a lot of other trades to make yourself valuable. IE: air conditioning, carpenter, marine engines. This way when diving gets slow you can still be useful. Above all be willing to work long days.
I just retired after 25 years as a state trooper, and I am tring to get my 30 years teaching SCUBA
(part time) going again.
Good luck
Hi tjpdiver, and welcome to :sblogo:
Good luck getting that 30 years in, two to go heh?

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