How weather affects diving

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Michigan, The Great Lakes
Projected weather for my Cozumel vacation from Jan 29 to Feb 5 indicates many partly cloudy days and with some days with rain forcasted. How might the rain affect morning 2-tank dive plans ?
there are no rivers within 400 miles of Cozumel, so the rain doesnt effect it that way, though, if there is a lot of rain, you often get a spike in algae growth 2-3 days after due to the fertilizing effects of the addition of nitrogen and other coresponding changes in water chemistry. Its not a big deal though, the vis might fall from over 120' to over 90'...
One time, out on a morning dive, we were suiting up for a dive in the rain. Someone noticed a water spout (tornado in the water) in the distance. We asked the DM's what we should do and they said DIVE!

About 5 minutes later, I forgot all about the water spout and had one of the best dives of my life! No worries mate, as the previous poster said, as long as the boat can go out, you will still have a great time.

Bring a rain jacket and a hat, all will be great!!
hope you dive one day with rain. Very interesting view from under the water as you surface
Projected weather for my Cozumel vacation from Jan 29 to Feb 5 indicates many partly cloudy days and with some days with rain forcasted. How might the rain affect morning 2-tank dive plans ?

In the first place, whattayagonna do, get wet or sumptin'? ;^)
Really, other than a little less light at depth, rainy and/or cloudy weather affects your diving not at all unless there's enough wind with it from the wrong direction to keep the boats in port. As someone else suggested, be sure and bring a windbreaker for the boat.

In the second place, when I was there last May, the Wunderground and Weather Channel websites both predicted either "thunderstorms" or "chance of a thunderstorm" for every single one of my 12 days there. In reality, we got a couple of showers of short duration and the rest of the time there were just scattered puffy white clouds, blue sky. and lots of sun.

In the third place, there's not a thing in the world you can do about it. Count on yourself to figure out how to have a good time there no matter what weather you encounter.

Don't worry, be happy...
Ron Brandt:
Unless a Norte blows in, don't worry. Have a great time!
Exactly what the dive shop emailed me today. She stated that accroding to the local forcast that if it rains at all during that time, it will be short and sweet.

1 day 16 hours and 56 minutes till we leave. Tick Tock

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