I don't suffer bullies well...I learned about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder when i was a kid after picking myself up off the floor. My father was an Army veteran with PTSD. In grade school i was a Cub Scout. My friend Timmy, who was also a Cub Scout was crying one day. He had Cerebral Palsy and was being picked on by bullies when he walked to school. I began walking Timmy to school. When the bullies stopped us on the way to school one day, i said to the bullies if you want to pick on Timmy you have to go through me. I was afraid, but I said, you and your fellow bullies may beat me up, but you will know you that you were in a fight. Nine out of ten times the cowards/bullies backed down. The tenth time i they usually called uncle because i was winning the fight. One of the reasons I founded Diveheart was so that people of all abilities can stand up to the cowards/bullies of the world with new confidence, independence and self esteem. #bullies #bullying #bully #bullied #selfesteem #confidence#independence #love #hope #healing #diveheart #charity #scubatherapy