One of the greatest thrills for Diveheart buddies and instructors in adaptive scuba is helping friends like Juan and Kenny stand up again for the first time after their spinal cord's magic!…/
#sci #spinalcordinjury #wheelchair #disability #adaptive #freedom#scubatherapy #hope #healing #value #purpose
Diving Past Boundaries: Scuba as Therapy (CNN / Great Big Story) At first glance, scuba diving may seem a surprising therapy for people with severe cognitive and physical disorders. But as Jim Elliott, founder of the non-profit Diveheart knows, diving can be a potent treatment. Participants find the...

Diving Past Boundaries: Scuba as Therapy (CNN)
Diving Past Boundaries: Scuba as Therapy (CNN / Great Big Story) At first glance, scuba diving may seem a surprising therapy for people with…
#sci #spinalcordinjury #wheelchair #disability #adaptive #freedom#scubatherapy #hope #healing #value #purpose
Diving Past Boundaries: Scuba as Therapy (CNN / Great Big Story) At first glance, scuba diving may seem a surprising therapy for people with severe cognitive and physical disorders. But as Jim Elliott, founder of the non-profit Diveheart knows, diving can be a potent treatment. Participants find the...
Diving Past Boundaries: Scuba as Therapy (CNN)
Diving Past Boundaries: Scuba as Therapy (CNN / Great Big Story) At first glance, scuba diving may seem a surprising therapy for people with…