how cold is it in FL now ? the Bahamas ?

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Scuba Instructor
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how cold is it in FL now? particularity in Key Largo? would I be able to dive in a 3mm suit ? what about the Bahamas ? same question.. thanks
I'm headed to the Bahamas in February when the water will be ~72 degrees F. I am bringing a 7mm hooded full suit because that is what I have. I froze on a dive in 68 degree water wearing a 2piece 3mm, so I think 3 mm might be a little thin.
Try this web site. I keep it in my "favorites" since I dive in Fla 4 or 5 times a year. It shows all the buoys that record marine conditions. We dive the West Palm area each Feb and I always use 6 mm and hood. Been cold down there lately. Last Fri water was 67 degrees. Warmed up to 70 this am. Typically 70 to 73 in Feb.


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