I find it sad that Scubaboard would even entertain the notion that an author or publisher can control the very mention of her work, let alone prohibit critique. While copyright law certainly forbids the unauthorized copying of the work in many or most situations, critique of a literary work is a protected First Amendment right at least in the United States and hopefully in the Netherlands/Bonaire as well. In fact, the very threat of a defamation lawsuit may be actionable in certain cases in certain jurisdictions.
Personally, I find the author's threats in this case to be offensive to creative expression everywhere and, were it not for the utilitarian value of the book in question for my soon upcoming trip, I would burn the damn thing. Certainly she will not get my money in the future for updated versions and I'll make sure to loan my copy to friends rather than insist they buy their own.
Personally, I find the author's threats in this case to be offensive to creative expression everywhere and, were it not for the utilitarian value of the book in question for my soon upcoming trip, I would burn the damn thing. Certainly she will not get my money in the future for updated versions and I'll make sure to loan my copy to friends rather than insist they buy their own.