Hotel and landtours around SJO?

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Going to Cocos later this year and there are now two questions;

1. Any hotel recommendations? Good or bad

2. Are there any one-two day land tours that can be done from San jose?

If anyone have any experience on any of the above topics would be great to hear about them.
Many thanks in advance.
Lots of stuff can be done from San Jose in a day. You can tour the different coffee farms if you like. You can arrange a Whitewater rafting trip. What are your interests?
Our favorite place to stay near SJO is Poas Volcano Lodge. It is 40 minutes directly north from the airport, just below the summit of the volcano. It is very nice and in a really cool spot. From there it is an easy trip to Poas Volcano National Park, the Doka coffee plantation, La Paz Waterfall and lots of other things to see. From there it is also a nice drive to Tabacon Hot Springs which would make a good loop to Puntarenas for the boat to Isla Del Coco.
Our favorite place to stay near SJO is Poas Volcano Lodge. It is 40 minutes directly north from the airport, just below the summit of the volcano. It is very nice and in a really cool spot. From there it is an easy trip to Poas Volcano National Park, the Doka coffee plantation, La Paz Waterfall and lots of other things to see. From there it is also a nice drive to Tabacon Hot Springs which would make a good loop to Puntarenas for the boat to Isla Del Coco.
Lots of tours will do both of these on the same trip as neither is an all day deal. You'll hit the Volcano first then the coffee plantation.

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